Mátyás king’s life

King Matyas was borned in 23th February 1443 in Kolozsvar. His father Hunyadi János a governor's, mediaeval Magyar Királyság outstanding strategist, his mother Szilágyi Erzsébet.Between 1458 and 1490 I.Mátyás on a name Hungarian king, from 1469 Czech king, from 1486 Austria was his prince.
His mother and his nurse raised Mátyás until 6 of his year ages,after that teacher taught him. Szánoki Gergely Polish humanist, vitéz János introduced it into the realm of the knowledge though later.They taught him for church-and political law;his book choose Vitéz Janos. Laszlo Hunyadi was executioned after than the Hunyadi party's flag name of Matyas got, when who was prisoner of V. Laszlo.
Mihaly Szilagyi's attack as a consequence chaos attack in the Country, and the king's power and popularity continually less. Szilágyi went in the Wien, after in the Praga, and he took it away with himself as a hostage. V.Laszlo swore revenge, but he was all of a sudden died. Ornate delegation started in January 1458 in Czech Republic with Janos Vitéz. Let him accompany Matyas onto Buda who was a prisoner till now. It the ornate team crossed over at Esztergom on the ice of Danube after the payment of ransom haggled down ahead, after than in 15 th February 1458 arrive in the city. In 24 th January 1458, on Buda, ice of Danube the hight priest and the aristocrats they choose Matyas a new king. But because of him minority Mihaly Szilágyi became governor choice for five years. In 1463 Matyas retrieved it from Frigyes the Saint crown. On 29 th March 1464 Matyas on Székesfehérvár had it crowned. Matyas reign his beginning hi build centralize kingdoom. It basic the first hungarien regular army, the Black Army. Him first wife Katalin Podjebrád after her died, hi married with Beatrix Aragoniai. It covered the increase of their expenses with the 1467 reorganization of a fiscal system. The gate tax instead of smoke tax hi was led.
The household was the basis of the emergency tax collected in two times even annually from 1468 beside this. Matyas and his advisers wiped it off the thirty customs. Matyas yearly income was around 500 thousand and 700 thousand forints, with which the largerst European lagged behind states hardly. He developed the army in parallel with with the increase of Matyas incomes. It hired more mercenaries for one because of the middle of 1460 years. The staff numbers of the army consisting from Czechs and from Polishs in his bulk because of the incomes there may have been 15-20 thousand heads even. The army broke down into 4 services: heavy and light cavalry, pedestrians, artillery. A rider a soldier's mounthly soldier's pay 3 forints were 2, a pedestrian's. As opposed to Matyas father, did not force the Turkish, but was making preparations for offensive defence. Adriatic developed the second noon defence line, which to Karánsebes is through Szerémség withdrew into his direction. Let the Turkishs to occupy The Balkan Penistula, but didn't want the southwestern borderland to be placed uner their check already, because occupied Jajca Castle.Many renowned foreign country artist and a scholar occured to Mátyás yard.His library became the world-famouse, that more than 5000 consisted of a volume.The piece value of the Codex exceeded the 1000 golds. Built in Renaissana style on Buda and visegrad, first-class Italian artist employing. Realished that recources of the Holy Roman realm, to which he had to have himself elected as an emperor.His succesful Czech Republic companing in Brünn,1469. May had himself crowed a Czech king in order for there to be allowed to be an elector in this manner on 13rd.Podjebrád György wasn't able to elniminated his Czech republic rule however, for who pollish Jagello Ulaszlo stepped into eternal one's.It seemed that was never ends, they made peace ofter all in 1479.Each other Czech royal title wasacknowledge mutually, and Szilezia andMorvacoutnry and Lausitz were Matyas.After Podjebrád Katalin dead Matyas was married.He new wife is Aragóniani Beatrix.
That the lawful successor solves it question, but it was unsuccessful.Himself pointed his foreign policy at hisrecretary and his councillors in the country's governounce though relied.Onto getting Mátyásunder control Hasburg and Jagello house formed an alliance with each other and gave the elector dignity entailing the Czech royal title to III.Frigyes Ulaszlo. Onto this answer Matyas enclosed Vienna. III Frigyes - since the pope didn't acknowledge Ulaszlo electore - awarded the title to Mátyás in 1477.
Matyas carried on with the war because of that, that from a Vienna womanwas born let the 1463 contract lose his validity in the interest of his son, Corvina János. Occupied it in 1483 so Lower Austria, then in 1485 Vienna, and he had the royal seat transferred here. His plans was not capable fully to an end vini, because the 1490. is April on 6, in Vienna unexpectedly dead.

Matyas virtues:

  • to climax and can value the beauty of the artistic creations
  • touched the science, not for the mood of the practical profit, but for the intellectual bliss
  • his patron and incentive for scholars, authors, poets, for artist
  • knows the Bible and the most considerable Father's of the Church Works
  • enjoys the dance, the single combat, the hunting, the sport
  • can enjoy the games, the friendly being together, the social life, the diverse becauses of the nature.

Corvinus manuscripts

Corvinus manuscript: Mátyás  king's Budai library, Latin and Greek consists of language of works. Corvinus manuscript Codex: A piece of the collection. The itáliaihumanisták living in the Buda yard the king's ancestry Roman Corvinus from family it was deduced, Mátyás heraldic animal, the raven keeping gold ring in his beak indicate this. ( the raven in Latin: Corvus ). The book collection consisted of works decorated exceptionally richly partly, and was very diverse: works being about the architecture starting because of the ancient authors' writings through the Fathers' of the Church literature can be found they were in him. His formation onto the 1470 years can be done, the apex of his development onto the last years of Mátyás reign can be done (1485-90.), they destroyed it in II.Ulászló age.

The superb and most famous creation of the Hungarian Renaissance culture Mátyás king's Buda library. Creation that not only attained the highest European standard of the age, but to it measurable in his own gender and his own age, from Alpok found north nowhere.


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